School Policies

For the NYC Dept of Education Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning (also known as the Discipline Code), click here.

Cell Phone & Electronics Use Policy

In line with NYCDOE Chancellor's Regulations, cell phones and similar electronic devices which may be used for education-related purposes are permitted in school. Students and families should familiarize themselves with the NYCDOE Chancellor's Regulations and Discipline Code, as those documents govern acceptable and prohibited use of electronic devices in schools. Cell phones, computers, and similar electronic devices should be powered off at all times and can never be used during school fire drills or other emergency preparedness exercises, during the administration of any test, quiz, or examination, and while in school bathrooms or locker-rooms. Only can be used during classes with teacher supervision. 

The Queens High School of Teaching (QHST) prohibits student use of cell phones to make or receive phone calls and the wearing of headphones while in the school building. The use of cellphones are permitted in classrooms. The Queens High School of Teaching reserves the right to limit or prohibit the use of electronic devices at any time, in any area of the building, to support the safety and security of the school community. Violation of the QHST Electronics Use policy may result in confiscation of students' electronic devices.

If confiscated, electronic items will only be returned to a student's parent or guardian on the 1st or 15th of the month. Based on the nature of the violation, additional disciplinary consequences may be imposed

The use of cell phones, computing devices and portable music and subject to the restrictions below...

Driving on Campus Policy

Students are not permitted to drive cars or other motor vehicles on campus roadways or in campus parking lots.

We share the campus with two K-8 schools. Each day more than 2,500 children- including children as young as 4 ars old walk alongside campus roadways and on walkways through campus parking lots on their way to and from school. School buses drop off and pick up children from each of the three schools including students who are medically fragile. For everyone's safety, we cannot permit inexperienced student drivers to drive on campus.

In addition to the vehicle being subject to being towed, students who are observed driving on campus will be subject to disciplinary action. This may include detention and/or suspension.

Please be aware that after speaking with DOE legal counsel, you assume liability for your child in case of an accident. All accidents and reckless driving witnessed or recorded may be reported to the police and will likely affect your insurance premiums.

Cafeteria/Lunchroom Policy

Random Scanning Policy

The NYPD conducts random scanning without prior announcement in order to deter prohibited and dangerous items from being brought into public schools. We have had random scanning at QHST in the past. During random scanning, all students and visitors entering QHST may be required to pass through scanning devices similar to those used to screen airline passengers. Bags and parcels may also be searched by means of scanners, by hand, or otherwise. Any prohibited cell phones and other electronics confiscated during scanning will be held by school administrators. The principal will determine when these items will be returned. Students found with prohibited items will be subject to disciplinary and/or police action.

Student ID Card Policy

All students are required to possess a valid QHST Student Identification Card (ID) at all times while in the school building and must have it on display in the lanyard and holder . If a student ID is lost, students must purchase a replacement ID within 3 school days at the "Metrocard Window" in the school cafeteria. Students who create a pattern of failing to possess ID will be subject to progressive disciplinary consequences, including detention.

Card & Game Playing

Card and/or Game playing is prohibited in all school spaces. 

Food & Beverages Policy

The QHST Cafeteria is the only authorized space for the consumption of food and beverages. Trays of food should not leave the QHST Cafeteria.

Hall Passes & Lateness Policy

Students are expected to report to all scheduled assignments on-time and for the full duration of the assignment including Lunch.

Students are required to possess and carry a Teacher's Classroom Pass or a writtern pass signed by a teacher, when traveling throughout the building during "non- passing" times. Students who report to their assigned Lunch Period greater than 5 minutes late without a "Late Pass" signed by a teacher will be subject to progressive disciplinary consequences, and will be assigned detention.

Hall Passes should never be used during the first 10 or the Last 10 minutes of the period.

Student Entry Policy

Dress Code Policy

Clothing and accessories should not be worn if:

If a student arrives at school in violation of our dress code, parents will be contacted and will be asked to:

Visitors Procedure Policy