Guidance Support
QHST Guidance Counselors
D. Albano-Seltenreich Faughey OLeary
DO' Brock School Based Support Team
D. Parikh
Family Stokley
Social Parkes
Pupil Accounting / Records counselors work in collaboration with the entire school community and are committed to the education and whole development of all students. The school counselor is a key "go to" student and staff support services professional. Services provided by school counselors address the three domains of the American School Counselor Association model:
Academic planning: School counselors work closely with students to plan their course of studies, to support their school performance, to review progress, to set academic goals, as well as to implement academic interventions.
Social-emotional development: School counselors focus on the whole development of students, facilitate social/emotional learning opportunities, connect students to activities and electives based on their interest, build home-school-community alliances, and provide on-going individualized attention to ensure student success.
Career and post-secondary development: School counselors help students understand their strengths and talents, and how these abilities can be utilized in various college majors and careers. School counselors aid students in the college admissions process, and all next steps to their secondary education.
Supporting Our Students
Graduation Requirements
In New York City and State, there are three diploma types: advanced Regents, Regents, and local diplomas. All students can earn a Regents or advanced Regents diploma. Some students also have the option to earn a local diploma. All diplomas types are valid within and outside the State and can be used wherever a high school diploma is required.
To earn a diploma, students must:
Earn 44 credits, distributed across specific subjects
Pass assessments in the subjects of English language arts (ELA), math, social studies, and science
A transcript is the official full record of high school credits, final grades, and exams taken within the NYCDOE. It documents the courses and exams that a student has taken during high school.
During high school, your school uses the information on your transcript to determine the courses and exams you need in order to stay on track for graduation. You may also use your transcript to apply for opportunities after high school, such as colleges, jobs, or the military. During this time, your transcript is evidence of the coursework and exams you completed, your grades and academic achievements, and your graduation from high school.
NYCDOE Respect for All Initiative
It is the policy of the DOE to maintain school environments that are free from harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying, and free from discrimination on account of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration/ citizenship status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or weight.
The DOE’s Respect for All policy outlines the kinds of behaviors that are prohibited in our schools while also providing students, parents, and staff members with various ways to report any incident and promote safe and inclusive school environments.
Our school’s Respect for All (RFA) Liaison to whom students and parents can make reports of student-to-student discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying, is Ms. Mayo. Our school’s Sexual Harassment Prevention (SHP) Liaison to whom reports of student-to-student sexual harassment can be made is Ms. Stokley. The RFA and SHP Liaisons can be reached by calling the school at 718-736-7100.
Respect For All Week
For the 2022-2023 school year, the NYC Department of Education has designated February 13-17, 2023 as Respect for All (RFA) Week in all NYC public schools.
During Respect for All Week, our school will have the opportunity to highlight and build upon ongoing diversity programs and to embark upon new initiatives that promote respect for diversity and focus on preventing bullying, intimidation, and bias-based harassment. We are encouraged to promote acceptance and understanding through theme-based lessons and activities.
New York State Regents Exam
Regents exams measure student achievement in high school-level courses. In order to graduate from high school, students must pass five Regents exams in the following subject areas: English Language Arts, a math, a science, social studies, and any additional Regents exam or another option approved by the State. Student may also earn an Advanced Regents diploma if they pass certain additional Regents exams in math and science, as well as the World language exam.
New York State offers Regents exams in the following subject areas:
English Language Arts
Math: Algebra I, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Geometry
Science: Chemistry, Earth Science, Living Environment, Physics
Social Studies: Global History and Geography, U.S. History